GPSA projects
With the support of our Global Partners and donors, the GPSA is now supporting 50 projects in 34 countries operating in various sectors, such as health, education, social protection, water, and across issues such as public financial management and fragility conflict and violence.
GPSA projects
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Latin America & the Caribbean – Effective Participation of indigenous peoples and afro-descendant communities in the Climate Change Agenda
The project focuses on supporting grassroots civil society organizations in Latin America. It promotes IPLC’s effective participation in policy dialogue and direct community investments for climate action.

November 11, 2022
Tajikistan – Third Party Monitoring of World Bank COVID-19 Operations in Tajikistan
The GPSA partnered with a consortium of eight CSOs geographically spread across the country, to monitor the COVID19 emergency response.

October 5, 2022
Indonesia – Citizen Monitoring for Transparency and Accountability of Licensing and Revenue Management in Mining Sector
Publish What You Pay Indonesia with its local partners contributed to improving the management and governance in the mining sector at the subnational level by developing a collaborative social accountability mechanism called multi-stakeholder forums (MSFs).

September 21, 2022
Jordan – Strengthening Inclusive Education in Host Communities through Collaborative Social Accountability Processes
The project aims to support Jordanian CSOs in developing their capacities to engage with the school partners at the local level, and the education stakeholders at the central level, to improve resilience and strengthening the education system and student performance.

September 15, 2022
Jordan – Enhancing the Participation of Vulnerable Groups in Municipal Governance
The MOTIVE team is working with local stakeholders in 4 pilot municipalities selected for the second phase to increase inclusivity and effectiveness of participatory processes.

Dominican Republic – Good Governance Practices for Dominican Republic
The Government of the Dominican Republic (GoDR) has adopted reforms to improve both the transparency of public budgeting and financial management and the accountability of public services.

April 6, 2022