GPSA projects
With the support of our Global Partners and donors, the GPSA is now supporting 50 projects in 34 countries operating in various sectors, such as health, education, social protection, water, and across issues such as public financial management and fragility conflict and violence.
GPSA projects
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Ukraine – Empowering Civil Society and Journalists in Oversight and Promotion of Effective Anti-corruption Environment Project
The Anti-Corruption Action Center (AntAC) received a GPSA grant to strengthen the country’s anti-corruption coalition’s capacities to enhance and enforce anti-corruption…
April 6, 2022
Caribbean – Collaborative Social Accountability for Improved Governance in Protecting Biodiversity Hotspots Project
The Caribbean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot is an archipelago of biodiversity-rich tropical islands that comprises 30 nations and territories and stretches across nearly 4 million km2 of ocean…
March 29, 2022
Paraguay – Improving Transparency and Performance of the Conditional Cash Transfer Program
Paraguay, a lower-middle income country, has seen its economy expand over the past decade, buoyed by high commodity prices. Strong economic growth rates have contributed to a reduction in poverty rates from 49.7% to 32.4% from 2002 to 2011.
Benin – Social Accountability for Nutrition and Early Childhood Services in Benin
In Benin, many young children lack opportunities that are critical for adequate child development – the country’s human capital index ranking is comparably poor at 0.40. While the country has made some progress on child health, malnutrition remains a major impediment…
March 23, 2022
Moldova – Improving Access to Justice for Families Affected by Domestic and Gender-Based Violence
Since the early 2000s, Moldova, the poorest country in Europe, has made significant progress in achieving inclusive growth and reducing poverty. However, in recent years, deteriorating external conditions and increased governance challenges have slowed growth.
February 24, 2022
Madagascar – Strengthening Community and Municipality Co-Engagement for Better Basic Health Services
Madagascar’s epidemiological profile remains comparable to many low-income countries with a high communicable…
February 15, 2022