February 14, 2023 | 9:00 am ET
The Dynamic Side of Accountability: A People-Driven Approach
Join us to together reflect on what it means to be truly accountable for a CSO and how strengthening this area could have a positive impact on how CSOs hold others to account!
about the webinar
As an organisation that promotes accountability, have you taken the time to reflect on how accountable your organisation is? Join us to together reflect on what it means to be truly accountable for a CSO and how strengthening this area could have a positive impact on how CSOs hold others to account! In this practical webinar -which will be more like a virtual workshop- we will share and discuss approaches, good practices, reflect on challenges and identify specific opportunities to advance your organisational accountability and use it as a lever for change. Let’s imagine together how we can create a more enabling environment to be more accountable!
Relevant Resources
Accountable Now
- Global Standard: https://www.csostandard.org/
- RendirApp: English, Spanish, French
- Dynamic Accountability explainer video
- Dynamic Accountability in Practice: How 4 Organisations Are Using Dynamic Accountability to Achieve Better Outcomes: http://bit.ly/40WhHo0
- Redressing power imbalances: examples of some CSOs who have taken a step forward: http://bit.ly/40VCyaH
- Putting Dynamic Accountability into Practice: Considerations for CSOs and Networks: http://bit.ly/3HWk9Cd
- Community of Practice which is a space for practitioners to exchange: https://bit.ly/3S0k2tP
Accountability Lab
- Accountability is Expensive – the cost(s) of being small & accountable: http://bit.ly/3RXSxB6
- Policies and Procedures: http://bit.ly/3I366dQ
- Summary of Accountability Lab’s Priorities for 2023-2026: https://bit.ly/3YQrMAR
- The Strategy Rap video
- Inclusion policies: https://bit.ly/3xkGPXJ
- Being Accountable - Our Different Journeys Towards Inclusiveness, Diversity, and Shifting the Power: http://bit.ly/3YJSBqi
- Safety and Security Fund: https://accountabilitylab.org/safety-security-fund/
From participants
Rocio Moreno
Executive Director, Accountable Now
Elisa Lopez
Programme Manager for the Global Standard for CSO Accountability
Blair Glencorse
Founder and Executive Director, Accountability Lab