GPSA projects
Social Accountability in Rural Water Management at Municipal Level in Northern Benin
Country: Benin
Sector: Water and Sanitation
Executing Agency: HELVETAS Swiss
Grant Amount: $289,968 with $30,000 transferred to local partne
Duration: Fiscal Year 2016-2017

In 2016, the GPSA and the Water Partnership Program (WPP) initiated a collaboration to accelerate and scale up the adoption of social accountability mechanisms in the water sector through knowledge and programmatic activities involving citizens, government, Bank staff, service providers, and relevant stakeholders.
As part of this collaboration, the GPSA is working with Helvetas to help advance the social accountability agenda in the water sector in Benin. Helvetas will be responsible for: (i) empowering municipal officials to adopt social accountability mechanisms such as public audits to better manage water fees collected and resources; (ii) strengthening capacity and oversight functions of user associations; and (iii) introducing transparent management practices in the water sector.