April 17, 2024
A compelling discussion on the role of civil society and social economy actors in advancing the quality and effectiveness of development finance.
February 8, 2024
Virtual launch event with Climate Collective and the GPSA to learn more about the accelerator, the benefits of participating, and how to apply.
February 22, 2023
What do we envision the role of civil society organizations in climate finance to be, as we develop new engagements in the climate sphere?
Join us to together reflect on what it means to be truly accountable for a CSO and how strengthening this area could have a positive impact on how CSOs hold others to account!
July 12, 2022
In their study, Tom Aston and Grazieli Zimmer Santos investigate the evidence on the role of sanctions, as part of social accountability initiatives, in contributing to service delivery outcomes. They will share an overview of their findings at a GPSA-hosted webinar.
On the 10th anniversary of the Program, the Forum will reflect on lessons learned on the contribution of
civil society-led collaborative social accountability to development.
Meet four of Accountability Lab’s Integrity Icons from Nepal, Liberia and South Africa and hear how doing the right thing in emergency response – and being famed for it – is a powerful motivator for shifting behaviors and changing norms.