social accountability resources
The GPSA resources include dissemination notes, reports and working papers and deal with a range of topics in the field of social accountability.
Working Papers
GPSA's authored documents
knowledge database
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Water Sector Note
In order to address challenges in service delivery in the water sector there is a need to focus on governance and accountability structures in the sector
January 1, 1970
Citizen Engagement in the Water Sector
The product entails a review of water operations in order to identify the extent to which citizen engagement and social accountability approaches are integrated in the sector
Guía de Aplicación de Gobernabilidad Corporativa para Las Empresas Urbanas de Água Potable y Saneamiento en América Latina
What happens when water companies apply principles of transparency and corporate governance?
GPSA in Review
GPSA in Review May 2016 Attachments capture_16.png (930 kB)gpsa_in_review.compressed.pdf (981 kB)
Compilation of Case Studies
Compilation of Case Studies presented at the GPSA Forum 2015, “Social Accountability for Citizen-Centric Governance: A Changing Paradigm”