The First Call for Proposals closed on March 14, 2013

The Global Partnership for Social Accountability First Call for Proposals is now closed. The Call for Proposals received 216 submissions from civil society organizations (CSO’s) and CSO-networks based and operating in one of the 12 countries that ‘opted-in’ to the GPSA. 

Participating Countries and Priority Areas for Grant Proposals

Proposals must address the priority areas identified per country. Please see the table further below for details. Click on the country name to navigate to the country priority areas and to open the PDF link to see the country-specific call for proposals.

Please visit the GPSA E-APPLICATION PLATFORM for more information on the application process. 

If you have any questions about the application process, you can contact the GPSA Help Desk by e-mail.


Country Country Call for Proposals
Bangladesh Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Dominican Republic Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Honduras Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Indonesia Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Kyrgyz Republic Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Malawi Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Moldova Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Mongolia Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Mozambique Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Philippines Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Tajikistan Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)
Tunisia Download country-specific call for proposals (pdf)





In Bangladesh, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations that will:

  • Strengthen citizen capacity to access local budget data to engage constructively in budget planning and implementation at the Union Parishad level within the framework of the Right to Information Act 2009, the open budgeting provisions of the Local Government Act 2009 and the Union Parishad Operational Manual of August 2012; 
  • Monitor and report on the open budgeting process at the Union Parishad level, including consistency of public expenditure planning and implementation with provisions in the Union Parishad Operational Manual.

The information emerging from the GPSA supported activities will be used by the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives to ensure transparent and responsive public finance management system at the local level. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)

Dominican Republic 

In The Dominican Republic, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations to monitor one or a combination of the following reform areas:

  • Equitable Growth. Monitor the implementation of the Action Plan of the DR Chapter of the Caribbean Growth Forum, so that the information resulting from this exercise could be used by the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development to improve the quality of public expenditures. 
  • Governance and Anti-Corruption. Monitor the implementation of the governance reform agenda including the “Protocolo por la Transparencia”, activities derived from the IPAC, and the DR Action plan included in the OGP. 
  • Quality of Education. Follow up to activities resulting from IDEC. 
  • Institutional Capacity. Strengthen institutional capacity of CSOs working on Social Accountability.

Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)



In Honduras, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations that will:

  • Monitor the use of the national procurement system (Honducompras) in key sectors to inform the ONCAE, enabling increased transparency and efficient use of government resources. 
  • Monitor and report on procurement in the Roads sector (including the contracting, construction, maintenance and quality of roads) as well as monitoring of public budgets in the sector. The information will be used by the Ministry of Public Works, Transportation and Housing to improve the design, construction and maintenance of roads.
  • Monitor service delivery in other sectors, including the procurement of medicine and equipment within the public health system, and conditional cash transfers.
  • Strengthen institutional capacity of CSOs working on Social Accountability.

Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)


The GPSA will support the Indonesia Open Government Initiative to create a space for transparency, innovation and citizen participation, with substantial public accountability elements. The Indonesia GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations to monitor outcomes of centrally funded rural, agriculture, health or infrastructure projects that are being implemented by a cross section of innovative local governments (Provinsi, Kabupaten, Kota). Proposals should focus on three dimensions:

  • Transparency – collaborate with central and local government, citizens and other stakeholders to make public expenditure data transparent to citizens at the local level (fiscal transparency). 
  • Innovation – collaborate with technology and media partners to track, monitor and present complex public expenditure and public procurement information in a simple, digestible and easily accessible form to citizens, through innovative use of ICT and mobile solutions, in view of Indonesia’s unique geographic and technological context. 
  • Participation – collaborate with citizens and innovative local governments to monitor and evaluate service delivery performance vis a vis public expenditure at the local level, and to generate comparative temporal and spatial data and analysis of performance outcomes.

Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)

Kyrgyz Republic 


In Kyrgyz Republic, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations to:

  • Monitor and report on key sectors. The public and national authorities will use information produced to improve the access and quality of public services. In addition, proposals focused on knowledge transfer to/from CSOs will be accepted. 
  • Strengthening the monitoring and evaluation capacity of local civil society organizations, such as conducting beneficiary feedback surveys.

Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)



In Malawi, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations that will:

  • Monitor and report on the procurement processes of the education sector, thereby strengthening the engagement and cooperation between CSOs and the Office of the Director of Public Procurement. The information provided will be used to ensure a transparent and efficient use of public resources in the education sector. 
  • Monitor and report on teachers’ absenteeism to inform the Ministry of Education, thereby strengthening the engagement and cooperation between CSOs and the Ministry. The information provided will be used by the Ministry in the design and implementation of policies to reduce teachers’ absenteeism. 
  • Strengthen institutional capacity of CSOs working on Social Accountability.

Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)



In Moldova, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations to:

  • Monitor the quality of public education services, so that the resulting information could be used by the Ministry of Education and other relevant institutions to enhance formal oversight systems. Proposals should attempt to support the ongoing optimization of facility network for improved service delivery and development outcomes. 
  • Strengthen institutional capacity of CSOs working on Social Accountability.

Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)



In Mongolia, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations that will enhance open contracting* practices, so that relevant government agencies can take the necessary corrective measures to improve contract management and implementation. Proposals should aim to:

  • Make procurement data and associated contract information available and user friendly for citizens and key stakeholders, such as media and academic institutions. 
  • Monitor the award and implementation of contracts at national, aimag and UB city levels with a focus on the priority areas of infrastructure and service delivery. 
  • Foster a national policy dialogue to improve the national procurement system and institutionalize open contracting.

Proposals that strengthen coalitions among CSOs to ensure coordinated and comprehensive contract monitoring across Mongolia will be prioritized. Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

*Open Contracting refers to practices and methodologies for increased transparency and participatory monitoring in public contracting from pre-award activities through contract award, disclosure and implementation. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)




In Mozambique, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations to do one of the following:

  • Monitor and report on the subnational transfers linked to the exploration and exploitation of the extractive industries, particularly in the regions of Nampula, Tete, and Cabo Delgado, to ensure the efficient allocation of resources. 
  • Monitor and report on the allocation of decentralized resources for — and/or the quality of — service provision in the health or education sectors.
  • Strengthen institutional capacity of CSOs working on Social Accountability.

Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)



In the Philippines, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations that will:

  • Monitor whether beneficiaries are receiving cash transfers on time and receiving the correct amount with particular attention devoted to documenting any irregularities (e.g., whether cash cards are in the possession of beneficiaries, whether beneficiaries have to pay kickbacks to local officials/influential people, etc.). 
  • Help identify supply side bottlenecks in access and quality of schools (e.g., teacher absenteeism) and health centers (e.g., availability of trained birth attendants, medicines, etc.), while working in partnerships with communities, local government, and service providers. 
  • Strengthen institutional capacity of CSOs working on Social Accountability.

Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)



In Tajikistan, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations to:

  • Projects that seek improvements in the quality of public services, including education, health, access to electricity, water and other basic services for the population. Cooperation with local and national authorities is encouraged to ensure that the information produced is used by these relevant structures to improve the quality of services delivery in a sustainable way.
  • Projects that produce regular beneficiary feedback and data on the quality of public services. Projects should include an open and interactive database for use by the government and citizens. 
  • Projects aimed at strengthening institutional capacity of civil society organizations working on social accountability projects in the country.

Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)



In Tunisia, the GPSA seeks proposals on Social Accountability from Civil Society Organizations that will:

  • Support the implementation of activities by civil society to promote social accountability in areas, such as health, education, employment, social assistance and municipal services. 
  • Strengthen institutional capacity of CSOs in using social accountability tools to improve public services.

Proposals may focus on one or more of the above mentioned priority areas. 

» Download Country Call for Proposals (PDF)

