Community-Led Development and Social Accountability: Mobilizing Community Response to Covid-19
about the webinar
This session will explore the intersectionality between CLD and social accountability and discuss how the two can work together. Participants from MCLD will also delve into how CLD has responded to Covid 19, and what lessons this may offer for social accountability practitioners who rely heavily on facilitation, social mobilization and in-person interactions.
Read the following resources on the Movement for Community-Led Development:
John is the Executive Vice President of The Hunger Project, where he is responsible for research, advocacy and advising the president on all aspects of strategic planning. He has worked in rural Africa, South Asia and Latin America for 30 years, and has founded and coordinates the Movement for Community-led Development.
John serves as co-chair of InterAction’s Food Security and Agriculture working group, as chair of Sarvodaya USA and is on the board of Water for People. He was trained as a physicist at Stanford (BSc) and the University of California-Berkeley (MS, PhD), where he was active in the civil rights and antiwar movements. He worked as a research physicist at Princeton University. As a physicist, he was involved in the design and construction of the first whole- body CAT scanner and the first tokamak designed to achieve a break-even fusion reaction.
Holta Trandafili
Holta Trandafili, is the Research, Learning, and Analytics Manager with World Vision US and has been leading field research, monitoring and evaluation since 2007. She has led sustainability measurement studies for World Vision programs in Uganda, Kenya, Sri Lanka, India, Burma and Bolivia. Her areas of expertise and interest include program and community groups’ sustainability measurements; agency-level measurements; empowerment approaches to development; integrated programming; local capacities for peace; gender analysis; and outcome monitoring. Currently, Mrs. Trandafili serves as an Advisory Committee member for InterAction’s Effectiveness and Program Evaluation Working Group and chairs one of the sub-working groups under The Movement for Community-led Development.
Rowlands Kaotcha
Rowlands Kaotcha is Global Vice President and Southern Africa Regional Director (SARD) for The Hunger Project, and the MCLD coordinator for Southern Africa. Previously, he served as Country Director of THP Malawi and Mozambique, providing leadership on Integrated Sustainable Livelihood programs focusing on food security, micro-finance, education, health & hygiene, HIV & AIDS, gender equality, access to safe drinking water, and environment & natural resource management. Recently, Rowlands led THP’s expansion into Zambia.
Prior to joining THP, Rowlands was Project Manager at United Purpose (formerly Concern Universal) for a Household Food Security Project. He has earned a B.Sc. in Agriculture, an M.Sc. in Agronomy from the University of Malawi’s Bunda College of Agriculture, and an MBA from Eastern and Southern African Institute of Management in Tanzania.
Gunjan Veda
Gunjan Veda is Senior Advisor, Advocacy and Global Collaborative Research for The Movement for Community-Led Development and is currently leading a collaborative research on the effectiveness of community-led development across 60+ countries.
Gunjan has worked extensively on a range of developmental issues with the non-profit and government sectors, including the Indian Government’s Planning Commission, where her portfolio included Gender, Health, Nutrition, Marginalized Communities and Child Rights. She founded IndiaReads (an online library) and helped establish WISH, a non-profit that works to scale up high-impact healthcare innovations in India.
Gunjan has authored many publications, including two books – Beautiful Country: Stories from Another India (with Syeda Hameed, Harper Collins; 2012) and The Museum of Broken Tea Cups (Sage; 2020). She holds a Master’s in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and a MA in International Relations from Warwick University, UK.