GPSA countries
5th Call for Proposals: Kosovo

July 2022
Commenting on proposals
Pre-selected proposals were sent to the governments of participating countries for a 10-day commenting period. After this, the proposals were made available for public comments for a 5-day period. The revised project proposals submitted to the 5th Call for Proposals were posted below as they became available for the 5-day public commenting period.
Feedback received during the two comment periods will be considered before approving the project’s Activity Initiation Summary.
May 2022
Announcement of new project
Many CSOs applied for funding, and today we are pleased to announce the recipient of the 5th Global Call for Proposals grants:
Kosovo - Green transition challenges. Proposal title: “Kosovo – Green Action”. Applicant: Balkan Green Foundation (BGF). Amount: US$500k
The Country’s Call for Proposal is open for submissions:
Key Themes (i) Climate Action; (ii) Civic Technology
Please use the following Application Form
Submission Deadline: Dec. 14, 2021, 11:59pm EST
Kosovo’s in-Country Call for Proposal aims to support models of collaborative social accountability to enhance the capacity of the government institutions to better deliver on their Green Agenda commitments. Proposals could cover various areas of government capacity enhancement in areas such as green policy/program planning, implementation and monitoring, and environmental management and oversight. They should propose pilot actions that engage youth and leverage CivicTech to provide innovative solutions that promote information access, public awareness, consensus building, and/or stakeholder engagement around green transition issues. The selected proposal will include clear measures for monitoring and evaluating pilot outcomes and include indicators for capacity enhancement, scalability, and sustainability of the government-civil society partnership.
General Grant Objectives
- Addressing critical green transition challenges through collaborative social accountability processes geared at enhancing public-sector institutions’ capacities to address these challenges.
- Strengthening civil society's capacities for social accountability in environment and energy sector by investing in CSOs' institutional strengthening and strategic CSO partnerships.
General Grant Selection
The call prioritizes collaborative social accountability approaches that support the capacities of local and central government institutions to plan and deliver responsive, evidence-based, and contextualized green transition plans and programs. Collaborative social accountability consists of inclusive citizen participation processes, whereby CSOs facilitate collaborative problem-solving spaces between citizens, particularly marginalized and vulnerable groups, and public sector institutions responsible for decision-making. Selection of the lead CSO will be based on experience in social accountability in the energy and environment sector in the Kosovo context. Proposals will be evaluated based on the following evaluation criteria: (i) novelty and potential impact of the public sector-civil society partnership on government capacity to plan and deliver on its Green Agenda commitments; (ii) inclusion of youth in the social accountability process; (iii) use of CivicTech and digital solutions to enhance social accountability outcomes, and (iv) impact on CSOs’ social accountability capacity in environment and energy. Lead applicant CSOs are encouraged, as far as possible, to propose partnership and mentoring arrangements with other CSOs.
A virtual information session on this Call for Proposals will be held on November 25 at 14:00 -15:30 on zoom platform.