GPSA countries
5th Call for Proposals: Armenia
July 2022
Commenting on proposals
Pre-selected proposals were sent to the governments of participating countries for a 10-day commenting period. After this, the proposals were made available for public comments for a 5-day period. The revised project proposals submitted to the 5th Call for Proposals were posted below as they became available for the 5-day public commenting period.
Feedback received during the two comment periods will be considered before approving the project’s Activity Initiation Summary.
May 2022
Announcement of new project
Many CSOs applied for funding, and today we are pleased to announce the recipient of the 5th Global Call for Proposals grants:
Armenia - Climate action, post-pandemic recovery, building a green and resilient economy. Proposal title: “Water for Life: Improving Governance for Accessible Water Resources”. Applicant: The Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development (UFSD, Urban Foundation). Amount: US$402
All proposals were subject to an initial two-step Identification/Concept Review process carried out by the respective CMUs, the GPSA Secretariat and an independent roster of technical experts. Following this review, the Secretariat presented for Steering Committee endorsement a list of pre-selected proposals in these countries to be implemented over the next three years, with a total funding envelope of US$902,000. The pre-selection of grantees was endorsed by the GPSA Steering Committee on February 25, 2022.
The Country’s Call for Proposal is open for submissions:
Key Themes (i) Climate Action; (ii) Health System Strengthening
Please use the following Application Form
Submission Deadline: Dec. 14, 2021, 11:59pm EST
Information Session: Nov 23, 2021 04:30 PM Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan on Zoom platform | Orientation Session Presentation
The call prioritizes collaborative social accountability approaches, with the objective of generating systematic citizen feedback and its use by public sector institutions at the local community, regional/marz, and national levels. Collaborative social accountability consists of inclusive citizen participation processes, whereby civil society organizations (CSOs) facilitate collaborative problem-solving spaces between citizens, particularly marginalized and vulnerable groups, and public sector institutions responsible for decision-making. The information produced should be used to introduce corrective measures and improvements in policymaking and implementation, including responses co-produced and co-implemented between citizens and the public sector.
General Grant Objectives
- Addressing critical governance and development challenges through social accountability processes that involve citizen feedback and participatory methodologies geared to helping governments and public-sector institutions address these challenges in the health services strengthening or climate action sectors. Special emphasis is on problems that affect extreme poor and marginalized populations.
- Strengthening civil society's capacities for social accountability by investing in CSOs' institutional strengthening and through mentoring of small, nascent CSOs by well-established, larger CSOs with a track record on social accountability in the health services strengthening or climate action sectors. The GPSA will prioritize proposals that a) are implemented by CSOs' alliances or partnerships, b) include on-granting from lead implementing CSO and CSO partners.
General Grant Selection
A virtual information session on this Call for Proposals will be held soon!
Information Session
Time: Nov 23, 2021 04:30 PM Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan
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