GPSA projects
Strengthening Local Civil Society Partners in the Kandadji Program Process
Project: Supporting Community Engagement & Communication through Strengthening Local Civil Society Partners in the Kandadji Program Process
Country: Niger
Sector: Water, Local Governance
Executing Agency:Search for Common Ground
Grant Amount: $40,000
Duration: Fiscal Year 2016-2017
In 2016, the GPSA and the Water Partnership Program (WPP) initiated a collaboration to support the creation of a multi-stakeholder platform to address governance issues of the Kandadji Program, by designing a structured, two-way communication stream with continuous dialogue between communities and local government, civil society, partners on the program, as well as national government actors.
As part of this collaboration, the GPSA is working with Search for Common Ground to help advance the social accountability agenda in the water sector in Niger. Search for Common Ground, in partnership with local CSOs, will organize the participation of users of the natural resources of the Nigerien portion of the Niger River basin in the implementation of public policies related to the management of natural resources, and ensure the representation of these users in the bodies responsible for the design and execution of the policies.