The GPSA’s governance structure comprises of a Steering Committee, chaired by the World Bank and a balanced representation of CSOs, donors and governments, consistent with the GPSA’s Board Paper. The Committee provides guidance on strategy for the GPSA and approves CSO grant proposals.The current composition of the GPSA Steering Committee is as follows:


World Bank (Chair)

  • Laura Tuck, VP, Sustainable Development

Government Members

  • Government of Mexico (The last representative was Ms. Ximena Puente de la Mora, President Commissioner of the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection. The new Government of Mexico will nominate her replacement after it has been installed)
  • Ms. Eva Mendes, Head of Budget Reform, Ministry of Finance, Ghana
  • Dr. Zafar Ahmed Khan, Secretary for the Local Government, Government of Bangladesh.

CSO Members

  • Ms. Lindsay Coates, President, InterAction (outgoing)
  • Mr. Gopa Thampi, Director, Economic Governance – Sri Lanka, The Asia Foundation
  • Dr. Said Issa, Manager, Lebanese Transparency Association

Donor Members

  • Mr. Aleem Walji, Chief Executive Officer, Aga Khan Foundation USA
  • Mr. Tim Meisburger, Director for the Democracy, Human Rights and Governance Center, USAID, United States
  • Marko Berglund Senior Disability and Development Specialist, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Policy, Finland (Currently acting, pending designation of formal representative by the Ministry)


  • Mr. Jonas Rolett, Special Advisor to the Chairman, George Soros, Open Society Foundations.
